• Accessibility


    This website has been designed to be accessible and easy to use.


    Changing the size of the text

    To increase the size of the text on our website, select the + next to the Aa at the top of the page. Click on the + until the text is the required size.

    To decrease the text size on our website select the – next to the Aa at the top of the page. Click on the – until the text is the required size.

    To set the text size back to default, click once on the Aa at the top of the page.


    Other options: customising your computer

    AbilityNet and the BBC have developed some tutorials which tell you how to customise your computer to give you a better experience when using the web.

    For example, you can find out how to:

    • change how information is shown on your screen, to get more on, or to see content more clearly
    • change colours and fonts, a good idea if you have a visual impairment and need more contrast
    • adapt the mouse, for example, to slow it down, make the pointer bigger, or if you are left-handed
    • change a variety of keyboard settings, including the rate at which the cursor blinks.

    Go to AbilityNet for more information, or My Web My Way to see the tutorials.